How you can Help
“In Jamaican common law, the public has no general rights of access to the foreshore (Beach) except to pass over it for the purpose of navigation or fishing. There is therefore no general right of bathing, or to walk along the foreshore, except where acquired by custom or prescription, nor is there any general right to fish except as provided in Section 3(3) of the Beach Control Act, 1956 (BCA)”.
Join the movement
Become a beach access and use of the sea/river rights ambassador
Support Rights of nature advocacy (Nature has a right to exist)
Defend your beach access rights and contact JaBBEM
Advocacy (Public Education, Litigation and Political Pressure)
To help with educational awareness/advocacy
around beach access/use of the sea and river rights
ecosystem/biodiversity protection
Rights of Nature Legal tool to enable legal personhood status to sensitive ecosystems
Use social media and other platforms to promote JaBBEM’s mission for
general and unfettered rights of access and use of the sea and rivers in Jamaica for all Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica
Rights of nature status for sensitive beach and river ecosystems with personhood rights to protect biodiversity
Support Framework for a progressive Beach Access and Protection policy
Help with Public Sensitization about the colonial era discriminatory Beach Control Act of 1956 (BCA-1956) that regulates Beach Access and use of the sea in Jamaica
Help advocate for the Repeal and replacement of the discriminatory colonial-era BCA-1956
Help promote the need for constitutional protection for right to access the beach and use the sea and rivers
Call, write or visit your councillor and MP to support general rights for beach access and use of the sea and rivers
Write to NEPA and join the movement to ban hotel building within 65 feet of high water sea line.
Advocate for transparent environmental governance
Support the separation of NEPA from the control of the minister of government to prevent political influences on environmental and beach access/use of sea and river governance.
Sign the petition
Help with awareness: Beach access and use of the sea rights are under threat in Jamaica
Sign the petition at (do not make donation at Donations at do not come to JaBBEM; donate only at GoFundMe or locally)
Committed to Environmental Education
Take Action:
Hotels/villas that do not provide beach access for ordinary Jamaicans
Hotels/villas built on the beach within 65 feet of high water line and in the seabed
Hotels/villas that destroyed mangroves and beach ecosystems during construction
Hotels/villas that construct fence barriers in the sea to restrict the local population access.
Hotels/villas that construct walls around hotel blocking visual to the sea.
Hotels/villas that are built on former fishing beaches
Hotels/villas that reinforce poverty by not paying a living wage.
Participate in beach clean-ups and ecosystem protection.